Luso Community Festas (Feasts) & Events – Wherever You Are Located – Worldwide

You can list your Festa or Event here – no charge.  Send an email to with details.  Thank you, Muito obrigado.


MARCH 2019

  • 3/21 – 3/24/19, Azoresrallye » COUNTDOWN TO AZORES RALLY, Azores, Portugal
    • For more information click here

JUNE 2019

  • 6/19/19, Vila do Topo, São Jorge, Açores, Music by Alcides Machado


  • Please send your Festa or Event information to or on the drop down menu of ‘Festas & Events’ on there is a ‘Submit your Festa or Event here’ tab. Click on it and submit the details of your Festa or Event for wherever you are located – no charge. You can also send a message on Facebook @MyLuso or send an email to